Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Next Big Thing Blog Hop pt. 2


Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I'm actually incredibly out of the loop when it comes to pop culture. I watched three movies in 2012. Not even movie-theater movies--I mean movies, whether at home or anywhere else. I love movies, don't have anything against them, but I just don't have time.

As a result, I don't know that many actors/actresses, but there's my best attempt:

MC: Sibyl Kenschild
 Ella Purnell

She's a bit young right now but screw ages :D

Love interest: Ashley Reeves
Jake Abel
And he's kind of old now and there's kind of an age gap but again...imagination is an awesome tool!

Secondary MC: Quentin Mott
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
And he's older than them all. Also, in case anyone is wondering, there are no love triangles in this story. He's just a friend of Sibyl.

I have a whole cast of bad guys, but here's the guy I would select as the baddest of them all:

Antagonist: Adam Reeves (yes, Ashely's brother.)
Callan Mcauliffe

And there is another whole cast of tertiary characters but here's just two of them:

Competitor: Pam
Rachel McAdams

Badass Team Member: Viktoria
Bryce Howard
*All pictured characters are either sixteen or seventeen in the story, with the exception of Adam, who is nineteen.

What other books would you compare this story to in your genre?
Well, it's not sci-fi but then again mine isn't completely, either: HOW I LIVE NOW by Meg Rosoff is a beautiful beautiful (I repeat, BEAUTIFUL!) book about survival, war, and love. If you haven't read it yet, GO READ IT NOW. It's super short (about 150 pages) but so powerful.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Other amazing writers, history class (sucker for history), and current events.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
It's set in the future--2089 to be exact. It's got an element of interior design (or rather Space Manipulation) but since nobody wants to read lengthy descriptions of rooms, I actually have drawn blueprints to go along with the writing. Yay!

Once again, thank you to Deborah Kreiser for tagging me and go check out the blogs of Avon and Elyse Guziewicz!


  1. Love the casting, and love your book so far (nyah, nyah, other blog followers--I'm her CP and I've started to read the awesomeness already). ;-)
    Can't wait to meet these other characters!

  2. just gonna say it: Pam is Regina George (!!!) (I think Rivka would agree :P )

  3. Yay! And I love the casting--Ella Purnell is so pretty. As for the's terribly difficult to get correct looking actors that are the right ages.
