Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hide me, please

Mind you, I'm half awake as I type this so please forgive me if I come across as crazy.

5:00 AM- Woke up.
5:01 AM- Checked my laptop. Sadly, due to obsessive compulsive inbox refreshing, I've eebn sleeping with it on my bed stand. Don't judge :)
5:02 AM- Inbox loading...
5:03 AM- My eyes pop out of my head. The revisions are here! The revisions are here! I obviously do not sleep with my glasses on so I basically stick my face onto the screen to see.
5:05 AM- Opening revisions in a googledo. Commence nail-biting, nervous reading. Because I have great foresight. I knew I was going to blanch.
5:10 AM-
5:11 AM- Suddenly so happy that I'm in bed because now I can just crawl back and go to sleep.
5:12 AM- Not really. I actually have to get up.

Still no good at managing my initial reaction to REAL revisions. Not line edits or oh-this-pacing-is-a-bit-off revisions, but real honest to god surgery.

I'll sleep on it :D


  1. Good luck with those, chica! Revisions are both the best and the worst. Just imagine how awesome your novel's going to be when you're done. :)

  2. I'm SO not good at this either! Just remember, opinions are just that: opinions. What one person thinks needs major revising, another person might love.

    Only take on those revisions that you think will make your novel better.

    And then, like Julia said, imagine how perfect your novel will look when you're finished. It's like the ice-cream sundae at the end of it all!
