Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Creative Blogger Award

The fantastically awesome Julia Byers nominated me for the Creative Blogger Award (click on her name to check hers out). Look how pretty it is:

The Rules:
  • Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs
  • Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you 
  • Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers
  • Pass these rules on to them
My Nominees:

If I didn't nominate you (it's either because I couldn't find your blog link or because my brain is still dead from finishing finals), I still encourage you to nominate yourself! Who doesn't love awards?

Here are my facts:

1. I started out as a fanfiction writer (for Spirited Away, if you were wondering). Initially it was just something I did for fun, and I didn't really treat it seriously. But then the story got longer and longer, and the number of readers I had exploded, and suddenly I realized how important the fic was to me. Unfortunately, once I turned my focus my own original stories, I lost momentum for the fic. It's currently at 140k and waiting for me to write the last two chapters (hides from readers). 

2. This is related to number one, but I love the stories found in anime. They are really different (as are many works of art based in other countries) and a huge source of inspiration. Obviously, like many things, there is good anime, bad anime, really good anime, and really bad anime. But the good anime have plots and characters that are worthy of having novels written about. And beyond that, I love the art and the soundtracks. I will probably spend some of this summer catching up on all the anime that I missed during the school year. 

3. I like to chase pigeons. I also like to chase squirrels. You do not want to be walking with me in a city because I will inevitably end up looking like a weirdo and a sadist when I go running after the critters. 

4. If I couldn't write and had no college degree, I'd probably try to open my own bakery. It would feature primarily cupcakes, but I love all baked goods. The downside to having my own bakery would be a decline in my health, because who can resist???

5. My writing style changes from novel to novel. There's still that constant backbone that makes my writing mine, but I find that compared to authors who have published multiple series/books of different genres, my style changes more drastically. Depending on the POV character, the type of narration, the tense, the pace, and the genre, I fluctuate between The Hunger Games-esque writing style (minimalistic and punchy) and Daughter of Smoke and Bone-esque writing (richer and more description-heavy). 

Hope you enjoyed learning a little about me (and hope fact #3 wasn't too weird)! And a huge thank you to Julia for thinking to nominate me :)


  1. Love it!! Hopefully I'll have mine up this weekend, thanks for the nomination!! :D

    1. Looking forward to reading it and no problem, so glad I discovered your blog :)

  2. Oh my gosh, same about #3. It's terrible. I'm like Doug from Up. It's so cool you got into writing through fanfiction!

    1. Omg I thought I was the only one for #3 because anyone who's walking with me slowly starts to walk away with a "I don't want to be associated with you right now" look.

  3. So fun! I love Spirited Away (and Naussicaa -- did I spell that right?). You're totally not weird for #3. I do this with seagulls on a daily basis. They just are too funny! Also - if you open a bakery, I will totally make macarons for it! I am a macaron fanatic!! :D

    1. PLEASE MAKE ME MACARONS. I actually haven't tried to make them yet because I need to find/make almond flour but gahhhh they are delicious :) So many flavors too.

  4. I love watching chasing squirrels too! Thanks for the nomination:)

    1. I have a friend who was living on the fourth floor of the dorms and whenever she opened her windows, squirrels would try to get in. I think they left nuts under her comforter one day. I was really jealous!
