Saturday, February 9, 2013

Taking a break from writing with more writing...

I am, like many others out there, a wanna-be author.

I'm working on a young-adult dystopian/adventure novel currently (in fact, I SHOULD be writing this moment). But I needed to take a break and just write something else. That isn't a novel. Because I'm really bad at multitasking :(

SO, welcome to the first blog post! What will I be blogging?

  • Book reviews (mostly YA, because I love reading it as much as I love writing it)
  • Writing advice stuff (not sure if I can call it advice because I'm probably not qualified enough)
  • Tidbits about said WIP (my playlist, my inspiration, etc.)
  • Baking! My kitties! All things awesome and random :)
Yup, so there you have it. I also love making new friends so feel free to spazz with me (writing makes me a little crazy...too much introspection). No one is going to judge a spastic writer because the world out there is tough.

***Coming up! MIND GAMES ARC review by KIERSTEN WHITE


  1. Gah, you like to spazz about things and have cats, too? That's it. We're officially friends now. :) Welcome to the blogisphere! Suggestion: You should get a widget to let readers subscribe by email, so all us WordPress users and such can follow your blog as well. You rock!

  2. Thanks so much! Gah, so new that I wouldn't even have thought of adding that widget but now it's there.

    My cats are my best writing companions. They're so fat I use them as squishy pillows :)

    1. Aw, that's so cute! My cat used to sit behind me on the computer chair while I was writing, like my own personal butt warmer. They really are the greatest companions, huh?

  3. I love this spazz! I do this all the time too! I just wrote a guest post on A Pocket Full of Pens. I mention that I write book reviews at The Avid Reader and also write lots of school papers. I love your blog!

  4. Thanks so much Zara!! I will have to check out your post and your book reviews. I read book reviews for fun :D
