Issue #1
This is why my parents are afraid I'll develop some weird mental disorder called spending-too-much-time-with-imaginary-people-places-things-etc. :

In which I forget how to think and have to google "What is the sausage part of the hot dog called" because for reasons I will not explain, I needed to write a scene where a man is grilling hot dogs in a food truck. Read?
In which I act like a psychopath and must google "How to reload a pistol". Yes, there is violence in WIP. Read?
That's all for today! Let me know what crazy things you do in the glorious name of writing :D
I write a lot of action, so I'm constantly looking up things to do with guns and bombs and all that fun stuff. I'm pretty sure I'm on a government watch list by now. It's hilarious that you looked googled hotdogs!