Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks

Before I go out last-minute food shopping and disappear beneath mounds and mounds of potatoes, I wanted to hit the pause button for a moment (PAUSE, Nanowrimo!) and take this fitting morning to say thanks.

Thank you, fanfiction readers (and I PROMISE that I will finished that 140k fic). Without you, I would have never realized that I could write a novel.

Thank you, Deviantart. Without you, I would have lost touch with my artsy peers and likewise lost my source of inspiration. 

Thank you, Suzanne Collins and Lauren Destefano. Without you, I would have never discovered the beauty of first person present POV. 

Thank you, Julia. Without you, I would have never found a kindred spirit with the same passion for writing, reading, and just plain gushing. I also would have never been motivated to start a blog. 

Thank you, Writeoncon participants and organizers. Without you, I would have never learned how to write a decent query letter.

Thank you, my alphas/betas/CPs (Deborah, Anne, Rivy, Jessie, Carissa, Ela, Mom).  Without you, my drafts would still be scattered on the dusty desktop of my laptop, never to see the light of day. 


  1. Thank you for allowing me to read your awesome work:)

  2. Sorry for replying so late to this, but I'm so thankful to have you in my life as well. <3 Proud to be Team Joan!
