Monday, April 8, 2013

More Tools! Story Analyzer

Geez, she's on a tool-spazz, you might be thinking. And I kind of am. But I need all the help I can get when I need a boost from revisions, so here you are--tool #2, a pot of gold that I can't believe I just discovered:

The Story Analyzer

My MS is cowering in fear in some dark cranny as I drag it out onto my blog, because that's the only way I can show how the analyzer works. Sorry, MS. Bear with me. You're starting to look prettier.

 You start by going to this lovely website. Then you copy and paste 60k or less of your text into the text box, between the fancy computer jargon that makes no sense to me (should look like a bunch of weird symbols like this-ish: </br...>). I tried to select the do not read quotes button, but that screwed up my analysis, so the program did analyze all of my dialogue, but if you can get the button to work then do select it because the beautifulest of dialogue is not always diction and syntax perfect. Since my story is in first person, I also checked the account for "I" button.

I find it kind of hilarious that I'm just under the ratio for acceptable frequency of starting sentences of conjunctions. I feel like I use them quite often, so this merits a happy dance! Let's just hope that my ratio stays at .49 :D
 All I can say is...where the heck did the ?? come from?!!! Must go through MS. That is horrible. Really.

And not sure how I feel over that 13% -ly thing. Seems kind of high...
 Once again, I can escaping by the skin of my teeth for acceptable frequency of passive voice. I guess it's a good thing. It's not quite as bad as .49 out of .5 for beginning sentences with conjunctions.
 Wade in=weighed in? I did not know that--learning something new everyday. Hehe, I'll probably change the wade in to wade through.

The wordiness is no surprise. Completely guilty. I'll go back and comb out those redundancies.

 Viable is a fad word? I'll look up on that. In the heat of the moment definitely is. Oh goodness me.
I think that age level is just in the right range. That's a relief. And no sentences over 20 words. Does that call for celebration?

I strongly advise those who are in the process of revision to check out this amazing tool! Here's the website again if you missed it :)

(All stats are from my MS INGENICIDE. First person, 64k.)


  1. I just mentioned this and you in my blog post at It really was a great find! I love it so much! Thanks!

  2. Neat! I like this tool. Though I, too, had problems with the analysis when I clicked on the "exclude dialogue" button. Not sure why.
