Thursday, August 8, 2013

Call for readers (and I will accept my limits)

***BEFORE YOU READ, DISCLAIMER!!! I am not breaking up with any existing or pre-promised partnerships. So no fear!***

Back when I was young and editing INGENICIDE (haha, just kidding!), I honestly wondered how the heck was I supposed to get people to read my MS? Therefore, whenever anyone offered, it felt just as exhilarating as...getting a full request. So in order to show my appreciation, I'd offer to swap, because why should I expect someone to read my MS without giving something back in return?

Slowly, it's beginning to dawn on me that I can't do that anymore. Between life, reading the works of my critique group, writing my own stuff, and trying to catch up on those MS's that I'd promised to crit, I have to come out honestly and say that I've bitten off more than I can chew. As much as I try to be an infallible, generous critter, I've realized that I can't continue to let this image get in the way of my actual abilities. Not only is that stressful for me (because I want to be able to read all the MS's in the world and I want to crit every single one), more importantly it's not fair to those whom I have promised a critique swap, who have to wait months and months without any feedback.

No longer can I promise to keep to the critique for a critique system. And I apologize profusely for that. I wish that I didn't have these limits because I owe so much to each and every person who takes the time to read my writing. Because without all of you, I wouldn't have improved as much as I have.

Because of my respect for all of you, I can't keep on overestimating the extent of my abilities.

Thinking all of this through has helped me come to terms with the fact that I can't maintain a critique partnership with everyone (although I'd really, really love to), that I have to accept the fact that there are simply readers out there who just want to enjoy the MS and do not expect a critique in return.

And so I now I post my call for all beta readers interested in reading and providing oh-so-helpful feedback on the second pass of my newly finished MS, IF LIFE WERE FAIR.

Genre: Upper YA/NA Contemporary (with medium romantic element)
Word Count: 58,000
Status: Complete--version 2

Idle from her gap year before college and cynical from running the hamster wheel of binge eating and exercising, eighteen-year-old Bernie Lisel receives an ultimatum from her mother: get a job or lose the credit card. 

Easier said than done.

Waitressing at the fancy French bistro in Manhattan is just what Bernie doesn’t need on her plate. But in the name of money to supply her binges, she’ll take it. Even if that means installing an edit button on her perpetually snarking mouth and trying not to mix up vanilla cream and tartar sauce. Gradually, Bernie learns the ropes and begins to bond with a crew of optimistic and quirky coworkers. And then there’s Luke Wells, assistant chef and a sophomore at Columbia. Selfless and diligent to a fault, he might also be the best listener to people's problems in the entire universe. Perhaps that’s why Bernie feels equal parts exposed and guarded around him.

But when Luke is diagnosed with stage III stomach cancer and refuses treatment, Bernie suddenly discovers that she’s not the only one with a secret to keep. Putting aside her eating disorder to help Luke with a turbulent family past, she orchestrates a journey to his home state of Montana. As the 2,400 miles whittle down, the last question on Bernie’s mind is of her own recovery. She only wonders if she can accomplish for Luke what she never could for herself—breaking the self-fulfilling cycle of resignation.

If you are interested, please comment with your email OR email me at joanart6 AT gmail DOT com. And if I haven't said this already, seriously, you guys are the best. I'm sorry for this being such a downer post. If you do decide that you'd like to be a beta for ILWF, I really appreciate it. I completely understand how busy everyone is, which is why the writing community continues to surprise me with its awesomeness. 

1 comment:

  1. Like I said before, as soon as I'm done with my own revisions, I'd love to be a beta. :) I'll email you when that happens, haha. (Don't worry about not being able to critique as much as you'd like to--I'm terrible about getting revisions back to people; my CPs regularly have to wait six months on me. So I understand the decision to go the beta route with the majority of your readers, instead.)
