Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Inner Peace and Sunshine Awards

My lovely fellow blogger/novelist/epically-awesome-friend Julia (whom I met online during Writeoncon's Pitchfest this past spring AND in-person during WDCE--twas fate) has recently nominated me for the Inner Peace and Sunshine Awards.

I am super excited to reveal seven things about me that you won't be able to find on the About Cynthiarox66 tab! Hopefully, they won't be too boring because my life is pretty mundane and undramatic :)

1. My inner storyteller first manifested when I told fortunes for my friends and for friends of my parents. I got in trouble for it once, because I basically told this guest at a dinner party that he would get run over by a car sometime in the distant future. No malicious intentions, I promise you! I did love the Hunger Games, though, so I'm not sure what that says about my streak for violence. Even now, I don't know whether or laugh or cringe at the memory.

2. I've never filled up a diary. The closest I've come to doing so is with one that I got in 2005 at Borders (oh, the nostalgia). That's basically filled with mush about the boys I had crushes on from elementary school through middle school. I can't make myself read it.

3. I'm a pseudo-vegetarian. So, if I were starving, I'd be fine with food touching meat. I'm fine with drinking chicken soup and leaking behind all the chicken bits. I'm not a true vegetarian, however, because I have no real love for vegetables. More of a carbohydratarian.

4. I LOVE Hayao Miyazaki and all of Studio Ghibli's movies (Spirited Away, anyone? Howl's Moving Castle? Kiki's Delivery Service? Princess Mononoke?). The artwork is just mind-blowing, as are the details and the scores and the characters. I have a 140,000 word fanfic on Spirited Away--basically what got me into writing longer works. It's two chapters from being complete, but I haven't updated in ages just because original work seems to grab my attention more than fanfic nowadays :( If any of my fanfic followers are reading this, I promise that I will finish it someday!

5. I'm freakishly scared of bugs. Especially crawling things with lots of legs. Millipedes are the worst...*shudders*. I don't think I'd survive for more than a week in a jungle.

6. I can bake a mean cupcake. If I can ever find a baking partner, I'd definitely audition for Food Network's Cupcake Wars. In fact, my life plan goes like this: get an education, get a job that makes a decent living, retire with saved money, open a cupcake shop/be a full time writer.

7. I enjoy writing by hand. Sometimes. Just to bask in the beauty of my handwriting. Haha just kidding. I'm volunteering this summer at this program for middle schooler who need a little boost and sometimes I find myself with free time. I COULD just bring my laptop and type my writing, but hey, old-school looks more academic, right? Have to set a good example for the kids ;) It really is a different experience--slower, but I'm more concise with my words.

Now for nominations! If you don't see your name below, it's because I'm scatterbrained, not because I forgot about you, so feel free to hop in! Have fun, guys :)

Deborah Kreiser 
The Loony Teen Writer
Carissa Taylor
Zara Hoffman
Sarah Faulkner


  1. Thank you! Here's my post!

    1. I loved reading about you! Personally, I enjoyed the LeMis movie, but that's just because Eddie Redmayne was in it and he's eye-candy in period dramas :)

  2. I've never understood the appeal of diaries. Like I have tried to keep one about a thousand and one times, but I always give up after the first couple of days.

    I cracked up at the fortune telling thing--did Little You actually believe you were telling the future?

    1. Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who feels that way about diaries! I'd much rather write about something other than my undramatic and boring life :)

      And I'm pretty sure I was just seeking attention with the foturne thing...hahaha
